Poverty as a challenge Class 9 chapter 3 of economic notes by cbse notes !

Poverty as a challenge  Class 9 chapter 3 of economic notes by cbse notes !

Poverty as a challenge

Here are notes provided of “Poverty as a challenge CBSE Class 9”  If You are teacher you can use this note for Your student and If You are Student this notes will help in the preparation of exam, Revision “and For notes. So let’s start the chapter of class 9 “Poverty as a challenge


1. Introduction about Poverty

  •  In our daily life, we came across many people who we think are poor. They could be landless labourers in villages or people living in overcrowded Jhuggis in Cities.
  • Poverty Can be defined as lack of daily requirement of livelihood like- food, clothes, education, medical facilities etc.
  • Every 4th Person in India is poor. India has largest single concentration of poor in the world.

2. Poverty as seen by social science

 Social Exclusion 

For analysis of poverty Social exclusion is very useful as per the concept poverty must be seen in term of the poor living only in a poor surrounding with other people


  • Describe the greater possibility of being more adversely affected then other people which is due to earthquake or simply a fall in the aviablity of jobs.
  • Measurement of Vulnerability to poverty describe the greater possibility of certain communities i.e. number of a backward caste or individual i.e. a widow or a physically handicapped person.

3. Poverty line

  • Poverty line is a way which is used to identify the poor. It is a method used to measure with the help of consumption and income level of the people.
  • If the level of consumption and income falls below the minimum level of income and consumption of this line, then the person is considered to be poor
  • Poverty line can be different from nation to nation for example, a person not having car in the united state may be considered poor. In India, Owning of a car is still considered a luxury.
  • The level of consumption or calorie also decides the person is poor or not. The calorie needs vary depending on age, sex and the type of work that a person does.
  • The accepted average calorie requirement in India is 2400 calories per person per day in rural area and 2100 calories per person per day in urban area.
  • People living in rural area engage themselves in more physical work, calories, requirement in rural area are considered to be higher than the urban area.

4. Poverty Estimates

Economic Survey 2011-12, Ministry of finance, Govt. of India, The poverty ratio in the year 1973 is 55% and 30% in 2009-10, Which show decline in the poverty ratio further comes down to about 26% in 2000 that was 36% in 1994. Therefore, the poverty ratio is continuously declined from 1994 to 2000.

5. Vulnerable Group

  • In India, Proportion of below poverty line is also not same for all social group and economic categories.
  • Scheduled Caste  and Scheduled tribe household are vulnerable to poverty in a social group
  • In same direction rural agriculture labour household and the urban casual labours household are vulnerable to poverty in social group to poverty in economic categories.

6. Global Poverty Scenario

  • World development indicators 2012, The world Bank.
  • throw huge investment on human resource development and rapid economic growth Poverty Substantialy decrease in China and South-East Asian country.
  • In China, the number of poor has come down from 88.3% in 1981 to 14.7% in 2008.
  • In Asian countries i.e. India, shrilanka, Bangladesh, Nepal Bhutan, Pakistan decline in the percentage of poor, the decline has not been rapid.
  • In India, poverty is higher than the national estimate it is done because of different poverty line definition.
  • in Latin America comedy the ratio of poverty has declined from 10 % in 1981 to 6.4 % in 2008.

7. Cause of poverty

1. Slow growth rate

during the British colonial administration the rate of growth was very low which was the basic cause of poverty.

2. Rise in population

Rapid rise in the population of the country the basic cause of poverty.

3. Discouragement of development of industry and handicraft product.

  • discouragement of development of industry and handicraft products is the historical reason of the poverty.
  • the policy of colonial government is courage development to industries like textile which is the basic source of income the poor and uneducated person can easily get job in this type of industry ad labour of sustained livelihood.
  • Discouragement of handicraft product is also a major cause of poverty during the British colonialism administration the household can easily earn money by the way how to produce and product the population is increasing Street of low level of income is became cause of poverty.

8. Huge income inequality

  • There are huge income inequality between have or have not. for this term, Huge income inequality make it difficult to properly implement the poverty elimination policy of the government. Therefore, it is the major cause of poverty.

9. Lack of land resource

Lack of land resource is also a major cause of poverty, income of the villager are fully based on agriculture income and lack of land resource great low level of agriculture which become the major cause of Poverty.
Anti poverty measures
Anti poverty strategy of the government is based broadly on two points.
1. Promotion of economic growth.
2. Targeted anti-poverty programme.

1. Promotion of economic growth

  • According to official poverty estimation the growth rate jumped from the average of about 3.5 % a year in the 1970s to about 6% during the 1980s and 1990s with the help of high rate of growth reduction of poverty is possible.
  • It shows a link between poverty reduction and economic growth. Therefore promotion of economic growth help to reduce poverty.

Targeted anti poverty programme

National rural employment guarantee act (NREGA)

  • It was launched in September 2005 and it provide 100 day assured employment every year to every rural household in 200 district.
  • Later, the scheme will be extended to 600 district.
  • One third of the proposed job would be reserved for women.
  • In this act if an applicant is not provided employment within 15 days, then he/she will be entitled to a daily unemployment allowances the central government and the state government will also etablish National employment guarantee fund for implementation of the scheme.

Prime minister rozgar Yojana ( PMRY)

  • It was launched on 2nd October 1993. 
  • The object of the program is to create self employment opportunity for educated unemployment youth in rural areas and small town. 
  • It also helped in setting of small businesses and industries.

Swarnajayanti gram swarozgar Yojana (SGSY)

  • This program was launched on 1st April 1999.
  • The objective of this program is to help rural people to organise themselves into self help group by the way of promoting enterprises at the village level.
  • This program help to exit poor families above the poverty line. 
  • In this program the government provide subsidy and bank credit to the rural people for generating the income.

Rural employment generation programme (REGP) 

  • Rural employment generation programme was launched in 1995. 
  • The target of this program is to provide 25 lakh new jobs to the rural and small town person under 10th five year plan. 

Pradhanmantri gramodaya Yojana (PMGY) 

  • This program was launched in 2000.
  • The objective of this program to develop standard of living of the rural people by the way of focus in five critical area i.e. primary health, primary education, rural celta rural drinking water and rural electrification.

Sampoorn gram rojgar Yojana (SGRY)

  • Sampurn gram rojgar Yojana was launched in September 2001. 
  • The employment assurance scheme and JGSY would be merged with SGRY. 
  • The aim of the programme is to provide wage employment and to create durable community, social and economic asset.

10. The challenge ahead

  • Poverty reduction remains India most compelling challenges despite the progress of unequal distribution of income, increase in population etc.
  • The positive solution can be done by the way of higher economic growth, increasing stress for universal free elementary education, declining population growth increasing empowerment of women and the economically weaker section of the society for providing healthcare education and job security.

11. Unepmloyement

  • Unepmloyement is a situation where a person have not job despite of he/she able to do job it is a big cause of poverty.
  • it is a sign of poverty , where an individual is unemployed . it is a loss of human resource to the nation and stigma to the society.
  • Child labour  Child labour is a situation where a child is employed for earning money which is mentally, physically and socially dangerous and harmful for the children, child labour is a basic problem of poverty
  • The child labour (Prohibtion and Regulation) Act 1986 define a child as any person who has not completed has 14th year of age.
  • According to International labour organisation (ILO) , the term,”child labour” is often defined as work that deprives children of their diginty and that is harmful to physical and mental development.
  • illiteracy it is a condition where a person unable to read and write in india, illiteracy is a major problem of the poverty


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