Some Important keypoint of people as resource

Important Key Point Of People as a Resource

Here are "important key point related to People as a resource of class 9 "are provided. If you are teacher then you can use our notes for your student and if your are student then you can prepare for your exam fasly by using Our notes so let's discuss about chapter " People as a resource".

People as Resource Class 9 

1. Investment

An investment is essentially an asset that is created with the intention of allowing money to grow.

2. GDP

Gross domestic product GDP is a monetary measure of the market value of all the final goods and services produced in a specific time period.

3. Liabilities

The economic value of an obligation or depth that is payable by the enterprise to other Italy cement for individual is referred to the liability.

4. Primary activities

Primary activities are directly dependent on environment as referred to utilisation of earth resources such as land, water, mineral etc.

5. Secondary activity

The secondary activities of the economy is an economist sector in the three sectors that describe the role of manufacturing.

6. Territory activity

Territory activities are included such as teacher, engineer, transport etc this sector is also known as service sector.

7. Self consumption

The food items or any things that are not produce for sell in the market it is consumpted by producer.

8. Death rate

Death Rate is a figure that show that how much people have dead Per thousand people.

9. Life expectancy

The number of a person is expected to live based on the statistical average is called life expectancy.

10. Mortality rate

Mortality rate is a measure of the number of people in general, order due to a specific cause in a particular population upon time.

11. Market activities

Market activity involved those activities which are performed basically for the purpose of cell and market profit.

12. Non market activities

Those activities primary undertaken for the purpose of self consumption the activity do not give any type of profit.

13. Literacy rate

Literacy rate refer to the total number of educated person in the total population of a country above the age of 15.

14. Employment

Employment is the relationship between two parties, usually based on a contract where work is paid by the employer.

15. Economic activity

Economic activity is the activity of making, providing, purchasing or selling good or service.

16. Illiterate

The uneducated person are in the country who are not able to read and write is called illiterate people.

17. Infant mortality rate

Infant mortality rate or IMR is the death of young children under the age of one year.

18. Unemployment

Unemployment is a situation when people have scale for work but the person is unable to find work.

19. Seasonal unemployment

Seasonal unemployment is a kind of unemployment where people are not to find a job during some month of the year when the demand for labour is lower than usual.


Here "some important key point of People as resource of class 9" are provided. If you have any suggestions related to "Important Point of people as resource". Please write in the comment section below


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