The Russian Revolution Important Keypoint
Here are important keypoint or keyword provided of “The Russian Revolution CBSE Class 9” If You are teacher you can use this note for Your student and If You are Student this notes will help in the preparation of exam, Revision “and For notes. So let’s start the chapter of class 9 “The Russian Revolution”1. Aristocracy
Aristocracy is a kind of government that what power in the hand of small privileged ruling class, the aristocrats.
2. Colony
A country aur area under the full aur partial political control of another country and occupied by settler from that country is called Colony.
3. Suffergatte
Suffergatte is a type of a revolution in which a woman seeking the right to vote through organised protest.
4. Industrial revolution
The industrial revolution was the period in which industrialisation took place during the late 1700s and early 1800s.
5. Orthodox
following aur conforming to the traditional or generally accepted rules or belief of religion philosophy or practice
6. Autonomy
A right or condition of self-government, religion is call autonomy
7. Jadidist
The Jadids where Muslim modern history former within the Russian Empire in the late 19th and 20 century.
8. Bolsheviks
Bolsheviks is used to describe the political system and idea that Lenin and his support introduced in Russia after the Russian revolution of 1917. Bolsevik was a person who support learning and his political idea.
9. Provisional government
A provisional government is also called an interim government all transition government is an emergency government authority setup to manage a political transition generally in the case of new nation or following collapse of the previous governing administration.
10. Nomadism
nomadism is a way of life of people who do not leave continue living in the same place but move from one place to another place cyclically for their earnings etc.
11. Tsar
Tsar is a title of the emperor of Russia in the past.
12. Collectivisation
Collectivisation commerce policy adopted by the Soviet government, to transform traditional agriculture in the Soviet Union. under collectivisation the peasantry were forced to give up their individual form and join large collective farms.
In this article you know about some key point related to Russian Revolution if you want Russian Revolution Notes then click here
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